
Don Phillips

Don Phillips casting an eye over sale rams.

The Yarrawonga Merino Stud was founded by Don and Thea Phillips in 1971 on the Monaro after winning the Statewide Country Life Ewe Competition and has grown to be one of the most progressive and productive Merino Studs in Australia.

The Stud in now located at ‘Cunningham Plain’ Harden NSW where sheep are run under natural and improved pastures on granite soils with an average rainfall of 625mm.

Yarrawonga sheep have continued over the years to compete with and outperform other bloodlines in wether trials, ewe competitions, sheep and wool sales and stud ram sales.


Past ram sale material

2016 Ram Sale brochure | 2016 Ram Sale catalogue | 2016 Ram Sale ASBV

2015 Ram Sale brochure | 2015 Ram Sale catalogue | 2015 Ram Sale ASBV

2014 Ram Sale catalogue | 2014 Ram Sale ASBV

2013 Ram Sale catalogue

Contact us

Steve and Liz Phillips:
02 6386 3128 or 0427 863 128
Sam Phillips: 0409 036 943
Damien Meaburn: 0419 970 009

Annual Ram Sale

yarrawonga-merino-stud-020ON PROPERTY RAM SALE
16th September 2024, 1pm
300 Poll and Horned Rams